TitleBytes News & Happenings

MLTA Title Bytes A Whole Lotta Summer Convention

Apr 27, 2023

n this episode, the President Jacquie Brink and President-elect Brian Roberts chat about the upcoming Summer Convention.  Be sure to listen until the end for more “Get to Know Your Board Members” trivia.

Full on Nerdy

Apr 11, 2023

Your current MLTA President goes full on Nerd with the Tech Committee, shares some fun facts, and Matt Sowash provides a Legislative update from Lansing

Feb 1, 2023

Get Back In and Giddy Up! – MLTA Title Bytes Howdy Folks! Hop on your horse and sway back into this episode for a fun update from your current MLTA President Jacquie Brink, as well as a Legislative update from our Lobbyist Matt Sowash, of Michigan Legislative Consultants.

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